Vodka has been around since the early Middle Ages and is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world. Rubbing alcohol on hair is always a fantastic option for healthy hair. But nowhere in the world is it so much appreciated as in foreign countries.

Is vodka really good for your hair?

Its low pH and astringent properties make Vodka an effective hair care ingredient. The make use of the strength in your hair care custom can offer the following advantages:

  • Strengthens the hair follicles by contracting your scalp
  • Balances the pH of the scalp with its astringent properties
  • Normalizes sebum production in people with greasy hair
  • Increases the health of the scalp and prevents hair loss
  • Seals the cuticle on the hair shaft and prevents frizz and shine

Here are ways to use vodka in your hair care

Use of vodka for hair

  1. Vodka for frizzy hair


  • Combine the ingredients in a jug and set aside to be used as a rinse.
  • Wash and care for your hair as usual.
  • Pour the diluted vodka as a final rinse through your hair.
  • Let your hair dry in the air.
  1. Vodka for shiny hair


  • In a bowl, mix all ingredients until a consistent consistency is obtained.
  • Start by applying the mixture to your hair, starting with the roots and ending with the tips.
  • Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold / lukewarm water.
  1. Vodka for dandruff


  • Empty both ingredients in a jar and store. This is a cool, dry place for three days.
  • After three days, drain the mixture to collect the rosemary-infused vodka.
  • Take 1 tablespoon of this mixture and massage it into your scalp.
  • Leave for 1 hour and then rinse with cold / lukewarm water and mild shampoo. Adding vodka to shampoo can be a good option too.


adding vodka to shampoo

  1. Vodka for hair growth


  • Pour the ingredients into a shampoo dispenser and shake well to combine.
  • Wash your hair as usual with this vodka in shampoo mixture.
  • Let your hair dry in the air.
  1. Vodka for hair straightening


  • Put the vodka in a 60 ml bottle of your favorite conditioner and shake well.
  • Wash your hair as usual and take care of your hair with the vodka conditioner.
  • Rinse and let your hair dry in the air.
  1. Vodka as a deep conditioner


  • Mash the avocado until it is completely lump-free.
  • Put the remaining ingredients in the mashed avocado and stir until you get a smooth, creamy mixture.
  • Apply this on your hair, starting with the roots and ending with the hair tips.
  • Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash it with cold / lukewarm water and shampoo.

Why this works

While the vodka cleanses and seals your follicles and cuticles, the other ingredients work to condition and moisturize your hair. This hair mask will leave you with heavily conditioned, lush hair. So if you have any doubt that is alcohol bad for your hair, answer is negative